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5435-970-0026 5435-970-0030 5435-970-0036 Turbocharger

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Product description

5435-970-0026 – Keep your vehicle running at its peak with enginetic.co’s turbochargers. Engineered for compatibility across a wide range of models, these turbochargers are pivotal for upholding your car’s performance and efficiency. Visit our product page to find the ideal turbocharger replacement with enginetic.co.

SKU EGNR00003 Category

Product price:

334.96 excl. VAT

10 in stock (can be backordered)

Note: The above image is for reference only and may not accurately represent the exact appearance of the product. When purchasing a turbocharger, make sure to select it based on the catalog number.

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Product price:

334.96 excl. VAT

10 in stock (can be backordered)

Matching OE and manufacturer numbers:

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Car compatibility:

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Product description

5435-970-0026 – Keep your vehicle running at its peak with enginetic.co’s turbochargers. Engineered for compatibility across a wide range of models, these turbochargers are pivotal for upholding your car’s performance and efficiency. Visit our product page to find the ideal turbocharger replacement with enginetic.co.

SKU EGNR00003 Category

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